Podium (May 2019)
Sport massage, an option in the preparation of the elite soccer player
For the future increase of the sport achievements it becomes necessary a structure of the process of training and an entire set of means should be used, aimed at improving the capacity of the sportsmen's work. The sport massage constitutes one of the most effective means to achieve these objectives, as a part of training having great importance as means to achieve the sportsman's physical improvement, to reach and to keep for longer the sport body shape. This is mainly the reason which it is intended as a means in the preparation of the soccer players. For the realization of this work the author sets as objective: to propose a planning for the application of the sport massage in the preparation of the players of a team of soccer of first category. Theoretical methods were used as: historical-logical, analysis and synthesis, analysis of documents, modeling, systemic structural, and empiric methods as the survey, as well as the statistic of percentage analysis. A population of three coaches, a masagist, a sports doctor and 17 players from a first class football team were selected to know the criteria, from the theoretical and practical point of view, that they have on sports massage as a means of preparation of the team.