Известия высших учебных заведений: Геология и разведка (Feb 2021)

Gold and gold-bearing volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits of the Central Cuba

  • D. De la Nuez Colon,
  • M. Santa Cruz Pacheco

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 3
pp. 27 – 37


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Background. Volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits (VMS) are the most important sources of Cu and Zn; they account for a large share of the world production of Pb, Ag, Au, Se, Te, Bi and Sb, as well as small amounts of many other metals. The polymetallic VMS deposits of economic value of varying degrees are known in the rocks of the Los Pasos Cretaceous Formation, Cuba.Aim. To show the potential of the Cretaceous volcanic deposits of Central Cuba for gold, silver, copper, zinc and lead deposit prospecting.Materials and methods. The study characterises the San Fernando, Independencia, Antonio, Los Cerros VMS deposits and the Boca del Toro and El Sol ore occurrences located in the Los Pasos Formation. The similarities and differences in the mineral and elemental composition and structures of the ores of these objects are described, which underlie the assessment of their economic importance.Results. The latitudinal zoning of VMS and noble metal mineralisation of the Central Cuban ore region is outlined. In the west, copper-VMS deposits with accompanying gold ore objects prevail. In the east, copper-zinc VMS deposits with barite and gold-silver objects are widespread.Conclusions. It is necessary to assume the different erosional sections corresponding to the blocks of the Cretaceous volcanic arc of Central Cuba, which is larger in the west and smaller in the east. Proceeding from the presence of veinlet gold ores, their confinement to tectonic zones and the lack of correlation between noble and chalcophile metals at the San Fernando deposit, as well as significantly different gold-silver ratios in the considered ore objects, it could be assumed that some of the gold-silver ores were formed after VMS. The obtained Au/Ag ratios are close to the ores of the high sulphidation type (high sulphide ores) from similar ore regions of Venezuela and the Kur-il island arc. In this regard, one can expect hidden gold deposits in the west and gold-silver deposits in the east of the studied area.
