Distribution of obstetric pathology of cows in the leading agricultural enterprises of Khmelnytsky region
There is a problem in the farms of the Khmelnytsky region of reducing the reproductive capacity of cows. Our analysis in the region showed that in the studied cows of the Native Land Branch of PJSC “Grain Products MHP” and PE “Demetra-2010” the length of the service period and the postpartum period are somewhat longer. The service period during all three lactations was smaller in cows of the Branch “Native land” of PJSC “Grain product MHP” by 11.9 days for animals of PE “Demetra-2010”, the average period indicator was 169.3 ± 65.04 and 181.2 ± 31.11 days, respectively. In a retrospective analysis which was conducted by us in the leading farms of the Khmelnytsky region, it was found that the share of obstetric diseases in the structure of non-communicable cow pathology was 21.9 % in the Branch “Native Territory” of PJSC “Zernoproduct MHP” and 22.5 % in PE “Demetra 2010”. At the diagnostic stage of obstetric examination, the spread of obstetric pathology in cows during periods of dryness, calving and post-calving was analyzed. In the period of dryness, there were 8.1 % (7.5–9.9 %) cases of sedimentation, 3.9 % (2.3–4.5 %) udder edema. In the course of the farm surveys, the pathological course of childbirth was recorded in 3360 animals, accounting for 54 % of the total number of surveyed and 88.5 % of feral animals. Namely, in 1417 cows (22.8 %) observed pathology of the third stage of childbirth (delay of litter), in 963 cows (15.5 %) observed weakness of the generic activity. In 723 cows (11.6 %), birth trauma was reported. Postpartum complications in the cows surveyed in the Khmelnytsky region were observed postpartum sepsis (0.3 %), infected wounds after caesarean section (0.2 %) and vulva (0.1 %) postpartum vulva-vaginitis (7.1 %), subinvolution uterus (11.2 %) and endometritis (21.6 %). It was found that cows of the dry period were diagnosed with subclinical mastitis, which fluctuated within 13.3 %, respectively. Whereas clinical mastitis in the dry season on average on farms sick 7.4 % of animals. Prospective in the study of the etiology of metabolic and obstetric diseases will be the study of individual indicators of quality and safety of feed, clinical and laboratory studies of pathology of the reproductive system, which will become the basis for early diagnosis of these diseases.