Transposition (Oct 2024)
Essai de slapologie : Phanee de Pool, « Reine de la provoc »
In this four-handed contribution, we unveil the slapological universe of Phanee de Pool, “Queen of provocation” according to the title of one of her creations. The French-speaking Swiss artist deploys her singular voice in the field of French-language song through a genre she designates by a neologism – an idiosyncratic appropriation of an English term – slap. After precisely defining this performative genre, emerging at the confluence of slam, rap and popular song, we’ll ask whether it is well-suited to overcome our experiences conditioned by the feminine-masculine binarity. We’ll then look at the representations of gender roles and relations that Phanee de Pool confronts us with through her creations. In particular, we’ll focus on the lyrics of “Madam’oiselle”, a song that – literally – revoices the pressures exerted on women to conform to pre-established aesthetic norms. We’ll also take a look at the artist’s bodily engagement, focusing on an analysis of the video clip for her cover of Stephan Eicher’s hit “Déjeuner en paix”. We’ll show the extent to which the movements and gestures choreographed and performed on stage or through the clip, which give body to the lyrics, can be the bearers of an humoristic renewal of traditional gendered configurations and interpretations, culminating in a pastiche or even a satire embodied by the singer-songwriter.