RGO: Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia (Jan 2008)

Evaluation of photo-activation appliances used in dentistry

  • Thales Ribeiro de Magalhães Filho,
  • Karin de Mello Weig,
  • Célio Albano da Costa Neto,
  • Marysilvia Ferreira da Costa,
  • Cresus Vinícius Depes de Gouvea,
  • Renata Nunes Barros

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 56, no. 4
pp. 399 – 403


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Objective: Verify the Vickers microhardness promoted by three photo-activation appliances: one Halogen Light Ultralux (Dabi-Atlante, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil) and two Light Emitting Diodes. One with a larger diode (Ultraled, Dabi-Atlante, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil) and the other with seven smaller diodes (Ultraled xp, Dabi-Atlante, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil) in composites with different matrixes. Methods: Three test specimens were made for each resinous materials using silicone molds measuring 4 X 8 X 30 mm. Polymerization was performedin three stages and on the two surfaces. After having been submitted to careful polishing with sequential abrasive papers and diamond paste, the Vickers microhardness of the test specimens was determined. Afterwards these values were submitted to statistical analysis by the ANOVA table and Student’s-t test. Results: The microhardness values obtained in the hybrid composite were as follows: 51.63 kg/mm2 +- 3.27; 52.22 kg/mm2 +- 3.3; 38.08 kg/mm2 +-0.31 and in the ormocer, 41.87 kg/mm2 +- 2.36; 41.5 kg/mm2 +- 1.2; 33.63 kg/mm2 +- 1.2, by the Ultralux (Dabi-Atlante, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil), Ultraled xp (Dabi-Atlante, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil) and Ultraled (Dabi-Atlante, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil) appliances, respectively. Conclusion: The Ultraled (Dabi-Atlante, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil) and Ultraled xp (Dabi-Atlante, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil) appliances promoted microhardness values that were similar between them and higher than the values produced by Ultraled (Dabi-Atlante, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil) in the composites. It was verified that the intensity of the photo-activator appliances is directly related to the microhardness they produce in the composites.
