中西医结合护理 (Oct 2024)

Nursing of a patient with facial neuritis treated with press-needle therapy combined with muscle-fascia rehabilitation exercise (揿针联合肌肉筋膜分离运动康复操治疗面神经炎1例护理体会)

  • ZHANG Shuqi (张树琦),
  • ZHAO Jiaying (赵佳莹),
  • YU Juan (于娟),
  • ZHANG Xueyuan (张学媛),
  • GUO Yanbing (郭雁冰),
  • TIAN Naijia (田乃佳),
  • SONG Xueping (宋雪苹)

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 10
pp. 90 – 93


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This paper summarize the nursing experience of a patient with facial neuritis treated with press-needle combined with muscle-fascia rehabilitation exercise. Nurses had formulated an individualized nursing plan based on the theory of Traditional Chinese medicine constitution, and carried out press-needle treatment on the corresponding acupoints on the face. Patient was taught to practice muscle fascia s rehabilitation exercise. In addition, diet guidance and emotional regulation measures were carried out during the treatment. After careful treatment and nursing, the symptoms of facial neuritis and the facial muscle function of the patient have been significantly improved. (本文总结应用揿针联合肌肉筋膜分离运动康复操治疗1例面神经炎患者的护理经验。基于中医体质理论制定个体化护理方案, 采用面部揿针治疗联合肌肉筋膜分离运动康复操进行治疗, 并配合饮食调护、情志护理, 有效改善患者面神经炎症状, 促进面肌功能恢复。)
