Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana (Jan 2015)
Przedsoborowe „drogi” do generalnej reformy liturgicznej Soboru Watykańskiego II
Promoter of the post-conciliar liturgical reform A. Bugnini CM in his monumental work La riforma liturgica (1948–1975) as the key to the reform of the liturgical lists: the liturgical movement, development of the liturgical sciences committee appointed in 1948 by Pope Pius XII (1939–1958) and congress in Assisi. This certificate should be extended to the rich legacy of thought of Pius XII, and especially his encyclical Mediator Dei (1947), which became a special incentive for future liturgical reform, as well as international congresses liturgy, which took place from 1951. The biggest event so far was the Congress pastoral-liturgical in Assisi in 1956. Time of the liturgical conferences with an international dimension in the fifties was an eloquent testimony to the maturity of the liturgical movement, which after the publication of the encyclical Mediator Dei in 1947 became the official church movement. Congress meeting, attended by representatives of the Holy See, the most prominent specialists liturgical teachings and committed pastors, mature ideas shaped the liturgical renewal, which in full view were presented in the conciliar liturgical scheme. While the editorial council of other schemes were sent to new studies, liturgical scheme with proportionately lower amendments found since the beginning of the recognition of the Council Fathers. It can be argued that matured over many decades in the climate of the liturgical movement, and since 1947 under the special patronage of Pope Pius XII’s encyclical Mediator Dei, which paved the authentic way of liturgical renewal.