Revista Cubana de Estomatología (Dec 2002)
Tumor marrón del hiperparatiroidismo: A propósito de un caso
El tumor marrón del hiperparatiroidismo en los maxilares es poco frecuente. Se reporta 1 caso de una paciente tratada quirúrgicamente por lesión osteolítica maxilar. Se describen los antecedentes, la clínica y diferentes exámenes de valor diagnóstico. Se realizó diagnóstico diferencial con el tumor central de células gigantes. Se revisó el tema y se brindaron algunas consideraciones reportadas en la literatura.The maroon tumor of hyperparathyroidism is a rare tumor. The case of a female patient surgically treated due a maxillary osteolytic lesion was reported. The history, clinic and different examinations of diagnostic value are described.. A differential diagnosis was made with the central tumor of giant cells. The topic was reviewed and some considerations reported in literature were made.