Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна: Серія "Питання політології" (Dec 2021)
The content and features of the concept of «customs diplomacy» are studied on the example of the foreign policy activities of the US Customs Administration, which conducts one of the best customs diplomacy in the world. For example, the US Customs Service plays an important role in ensuring not only national but also transnational economic security. The protection of American customs interests by the relevant services begins far from the actual borders of the United States. Therefore, the study of the experience of US customs diplomacy, of course, is relevant for Ukraine. The definition of «customs diplomacy» is given through a set of specific techniques and methods. The methods, techniques and principles of US customs diplomacy are considered, the main provisions of the CBP Global Engagement Strategy are analyzed. The structural units responsible for the implementation of American customs diplomacy are listed, and their competencies are determined. The officials of the US Customs and Border Protection who are responsible for the implementation of customs diplomacy are named. Particular attention is paid to US international cooperation with partner countries in the customs sector. An example of such cooperation is North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The practice of implementing international projects and initiatives by US customs attachés in other countries (for example, the Container Security Initiative) is analyzed. International training and support programs of methodological and organizational and technical nature, conducted for foreign partner customs services and agencies, are considered. The important role of harmonizing relations between customs services through the conclusion of international bilateral and multilateral agreements is noted. It is noted that international cooperation in the customs sphere is important for solving global problems of the world. Thus, strengthening the cooperation of the US Customs Administration with partner countries, agencies and trade groups contributes to transnational security, efficient trade, travel, dissemination of information etc.