RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics (Oct 2023)

Linguopragmatic Scopes of Modern Media Texts

  • Natalia A. Akhrenova,
  • Ruslan I. Zaripov

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14, no. 3
pp. 801 – 817


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The study is devoted to the description of the linguopragmatic potential of media texts in the context of the informational and psychological impact on the individual and collective addressee of mass information broadcasting. As the key modern form of text existence in the information space, a media text contains not only verbal elements that influence the audience through either spoken or written words, but also non-verbal ones, introduced through video, picture and various sound means other than speech. The combined combination of communicative means of linguistic and non-linguistic nature enhances the information-psychological impact on the audience by achieving a synergistic effect. Due to the fact that with the complex use of verbal and non-verbal means, the media text acquires such essential characteristics as polycode and multimodality, its analysis should take into account not only the linguistic proper, but also the extralinguistic aspects of communication. Modern media text has a complex communicative structure that combines a text, hypertext, dynamic (static) image and sound, and provides a non-linear, multi-channel, multi-layered and multidimensional perception of the embedded conceptual and stylistic meanings. The aim of the study is to analyze linguopragmatic characteristics of a media text as the primary form of the informational and psychological impact realization in the modern mass media discourse. Descriptive, synchronic, diachronic and functional methods of research, as well as methods of contextual and communicative-pragmatic analysis have been employed. As to the material, the study is based on the analysis of theoretical works by Russian and foreign linguists for the past 30 years. The authors concluded that the information-psychological impact is enhanced by the use of PR and advertising techniques in the media text and is largely based on their application.
