Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Dec 2016)
Кутасевич Г. Интонационно-синтаксические средства выражения субъектности французского предложения. В статье рассмотрены интонационно-синтаксические средства французского языка, служащие для усиления субъектной позиции в предложении. В плане выражения эти средства касаются интонационной организации предложения, а также, в некоторых случаях, приводят к смене синтаксических функций слов. В плане содержания это проявляется в смене их соотношения к ситуации. Категория субъекта и субъектноориентированы элементы интонационносинтаксического, морфологического и лексического характера формирую функциональносемантическую категорию субъектности французского предложения. Ключевые слова: предложение, субъект, субъектность, интонационно-синтаксические средства. Kutasevych H. Intonation-syntactical means of expression of the french sentence subjectness. This study is focus on the multilateral investigation of the subject as the main constituent of the French sentence and the research of intonationsyntactical means of expressing subjectness in the French sentence. The fundamental concept of the study is that the French sentence is characterized by a wide subjectness realized through the category of subject and other subject-oriented constituents of the sentence. The category of subject plays an important role in the structural semantic organization of the sentence in French, as the person-subject is frequently the core of the situation. The person-subject functions as the speaker, observer, agent or patient explicitly expressed by the subject of the sentence while implicitly expressed by its components – morphological, lexical and intonation-syntactical creating the functional semantic category of subjectness of the French sentence. As it is well known, the first element in a simple French sentence presents its semantic constituent that in terms of syntactic organization takes a position of the subject. In case of the violation of structural and semantic sentence organization the phenomenon of empathization is observed. This is manifested through the particular intonation connected to the logical stress movement in relation to expression, and is changed according to the situation with reference to the content. In French the presence of intonation and syntax means is explained by the intention to find the expressive instrument when in order to allocate certain element of the sentence the syntactic reorganization is applied. It means the use of the pseudo impersonal structures, the replacement of active voice forms by passive voice forms, the inversion of the subject and distant location of subject and predicate. French language has the wide range of intonationsyntactical means that help to intensify the subject. In the term of expression these means concern the intonation design of the sentence, and in some cases – the changes of syntactical functions of the words. In the plan of the sense it is displayed in the change of their correlation with the situation. Key words: sentence, subject, sybjectness, intonationsyntactical means.