GMS Medizin – Bibliothek – Information (Sep 2020)

Evidenzbasierte Medizin – Chance für Medizinbibliotheken

  • Buroh, Sabine,
  • Cascant Ortolano, Lorena,
  • Schweizer, Stefanus

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 1-2
p. Doc01


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The focus of the current issue 1-2/2020 of GMS MEDIZIN – BIBLIOTHEK – INFORMATION is on evidence-based medicine and systematic review in German, Austrian and Swiss medical libraries. The authors in this issue are Helge Knüttel, Maria-Inti Metzendorf and Martina Semmler-Schmetz (Health sciences libraries in Germany as supporters of evidence-based medicine: current situation and new directions), Lorena Cascant and Stefanus Schweizer (SWOT analysis for systematic review services in German, Austrian and Swiss medical libraries), Volker Braun (Search service at the Mannheim Medical Faculty), Michelle F. Schaffer (Services for EBM – from teaching to clinical research and practice: experiences at the University of Bern), Brigitte Wildner (The role of the librarian in the Cochrane systematic review process: a case report), Gerhard Bissels and Irma Klerings (Towards the first postgraduate course in Medical & Health Librarianship), Thomas Nordhausen and Julian Hirt (Navigating in the jungle – recommendations for selecting databases for systematic literature searching), and Sabine Buroh and Stefanus Schweizer (The new working group on evidence-based medicine within AGMB). In addition to the articles listed above, the current issue of GMS MEDIZIN – BIBLIOTHEK – INFORMATION also features articles on other topics written by Iris Reimann (From the AGMB), Sergei V. Jargin (Some aspects of the Russian medical library system), Jasmin Schmitz (“Zukunft wissenschaftlicher Bibliotheken?!” [The Future of Research Libraries?!] – report on an online conference organized by ZB MED and OPEN PASSWORD) and Bruno Bauer (The Medical Librarian’s Bibliography 2019).
