European Journal of Translational Myology (Sep 2014)

Synchronization of muscular oscillations between two subjects during isometric interaction

  • Laura V. Schaefer,
  • Arndt H. Torick,
  • Hannes Matuschek,
  • Matthias Holschneider,
  • Frank N. Bittmann

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 24, no. 3


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Muscles oscillate with a frequency around 10 Hz. But what happens with myofascial oscillations, if two neuromuscular systems interact? The purpose of this study was to examine this question, initially, on the basis of a case study. Oscillations of the triceps brachii muscles of two subjects were determined through mechanomyography (MMG) during isometric interaction. The MMG-signals were analyzed concerning the interaction of the two subjects with algorithms of nonlinear dynamics. In this case study it could be shown, that the muscles of both neuromuscular systems also oscillate with the known frequency (here 12 Hz) during interaction. Furthermore, both subjects were able to adapt their oscillations against each other. This adjustment induced a significant ( < .05) coherent behavior, which was characterized by a phase shifting of approximately 90°. The authors draw the conclusion, that the complementary neuromuscular partners potentially have the ability of mutual synchronization.
