Туберкулез и болезни лёгких (Dec 2017)
The objective of the study: to investigate the prevalence of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in HIV patients in Moscow and to study the potential of computed tomography to detect extrapulmonary tuberculosis in the HIV infected.Subjects and Methods. Data of 6,588 new TB patients, detected in Moscow in 2014-2015 were analyzed, as well as CTs of 118 of TB/HIV patients, which were performed in 2014-2016.Results. In Moscow, the absolute number of extrapulmonary tuberculosis patients went down by 67.5% from 2012 to 2016 (140 persons). In Russia and in Moscow, the number of new extrapulmonary tuberculosis patients tends to decrease and currently makes approxamtely 3% versus 4-5% in 2011-2012. Among HIV negative TB patients the part of those with lesions within pulmonary parenchyma made 94%, and among the HIV positive it made 74.8% (p < 0,05). As expected HIV infected patients prevailed among those suffering from extrapulmonary tuberculosis (4.6% versus 2.1%). According to the data of TB/HIV register, out of 593 new TBpatients, 41.3% had two and more sites of tuberculosis lesions (95% CI 37.4-45.3%). When estimating results of advanced CTprotocol in 118 patients with TB/HIV co-infection and the average CD4+ count of 134.0±19.8 cells/mcl, additional sites with tuberculous lesions were detected in all of them.Conclusion. According to the official statistics, the number of extrapulmonary tuberculosis patients is going down. According to data from personal registers, extrapulmonary tuberculosis is several times more prevalent in HIV/TB patients due to generalized forms.