Jurnal Riset Kesehatan (Feb 2016)
Pencegahan IMS, HIV/AIDS dengan Modul Role Play terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap Wanita Pekerja Seksual Langsung
The objective of the research is to evaluate the implementation of Role Play module in the prevention of ISD towards the knowledge and attitude of the female sex workers in Banyumas. The findings show that the numbers of knowledge and attitude consecutively increase in the intervention group: 2,88 and 2,38. Whereas, in control group it is consecutively increase: 1, 75 and 1, 88. There is a significant improvement of knowledge and attitude after the implementation of the manual role play module in the prevention of ISD among female sex workers (p=0,089 & p=0,433, p<0,05). In conclusion, the Role Play module can be used by health workers to increase the knowledge and attitude of female sex workers in the prevention of ISD.