Srpski Arhiv za Celokupno Lekarstvo (Jan 2012)
Ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging in prenatal diagnosis of tumour of the foetal head and neck
Introduction. Foetal tumours are relatively rare; prenatal diagnosis enables additional diagnostics, and thus the decision on the continuation of pregnancy and planning of delivery. The paper presents prenatal ultrasound diagnostics of foetal head tumour with additionally analyzed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Case Outline. On ultrasound imaging, in a 27-year old nullipara, a tumour of the foetal head was suspected at the 22nd gestational week. By consultative ultrasound, a 45x41x50 mm echogenic soft tissue tumour with hypoechogenic areas was confirmed, which originated from the left side of the skull spreading towards the neck on the left behind the ear. On colour Doppler no vascularisation was seen within the tumour but several vessels were seen along the border-line and on the surface. The scan showed no associated abnormalities. Karyotype was 46, XY. MRI scan using triplanar SSFSE and HASTE sequences was done at 26 weeks and confirmed a 84Č45Č71 mm tumour originating from the scalp, spreading along the endocranium over the entire surface of the fronto-temporal sqama and left parietal bone. The tumour did not disturb the integrity of the internal tabula, and did not spread intracranially. Based on these findings, the diagnosis of haemangioma was made. At 38 weeks gestation, a 3810 g male infant was delivered by Caesarean section. A bluish, well-defined, non-pulsatile tumour arising from the left frontoparietal region was seen, thus confirming the diagnosis of haemangioma. Conclusion. MRI improved delineation of the tumour facilitating better planning of postnatal management and mode of delivery, with the information on the postnatal course and prognosis. In the prenatal period, MRI following an ultrasound diagnosed foetal tumour, is an additional part of diagnostic examinations, and is not contraindicated during pregnancy.