Open Geosciences (Nov 2015)

A radiocarbon-dated cave sequence and thePleistocene/Holocene transition in Hungary

  • Sümegi Pál,
  • Náfrádi Katalin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 1


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The Petény Cave located on the Hungarian Highlandsyielded one of the most well-documented vertebratefauna of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene in Hungary. Inaddition to the vertebrate remains, considerable numbersof mollusc shells and charcoals were retrieved from theprofile of the rock shelter. Furthermore, a pollen sequenceclose to the cavewas also evaluated in order to reconstructthe flora of the region. A new radiocarbon analysis of samplesfrom the Petény Cave was used to correlate data ofdifferent methods and to correct the earlier outcomes. Thecave sequence exposes layers from 15.180 cal BP to 483 calBP. Nevertheless, based on our new radiocarbon data, thesequence is incomplete and layers corresponding to thePleistocene/Holocene boundary are missing from the profile.The results of our radiocarbon analysis clearly supportconsiderable amounts of thermo-mesophylous gastropodspecies appearing as early as 15.180 cal BP. The appearanceof deciduous woodlands in the Carpathian Basin alongwith the concomitant mollusc elements is much earlierthan previously assumed, supporting the presence of temperatewoodland refugia in the study area.
