Zbornik Radova: Geografski institut "Jovan Cvijić" (Jan 2009)
Connection between solar activity and atmospheric circulation in period 1891-2004
In the presented paper on an annual and (floating) decadal scale, connection between Solar activity (represented with six 'traditional' parameters) and atmospheric circulation (represented with Vangengeim-Girs tipology) is examined. The correlation coefficients on the annual scale varies from 0,017-0,328 and in some cases show statistical significance. On the floating decadal level there is an increase of correlation and statistically significant coefficients varies from 0,271-0,727. By application of multiple linear regression on a floating decadal values, 57-82% of a variance in criterion variables is explained. Because of a high redundancy in Solar activity parameters, for estimation of each regression coefficient ridge regression was applied.