Al Ameen Journal of Medical Sciences (Jul 2021)
Employing case-based discussion as a teaching - learning and formative assessment tool: Scope, Challenges and Potential solutions
In the process of producing a competent medical graduate, case discussion plays an important role as it exposes the students to a wide range of clinical and ethical reasoning and dilemmas. An extensive search of all materials related to the topic was carried out in the PubMed search engine and a total of 9 articles were selected based upon the suitability with the current review objectives and analyzed. Case-based Discussion is a method of teaching-learning and assessment, which assesses the "Does" - highest level in the Miller's pyramid of skill acquisition and is developed on the lines of traditional case discussions. It can be used as a tool for formative assessment and has been acknowledged as a useful option by the assessors for the assessment of clinical reasoning, clinical judgement, professionalism, communication and recordkeeping skills. In conclusion, case-based discussion is an effective workplace-based assessment tool that has inherent benefits both for the teachers as well as the students. It is the need of the hour that all the medical colleges should implement the same within their set-up to enhance the learning amongst the medical students.