Tyragetia (Oct 2015)
A cremation burial of a horseman near the village of Mana (the Orhei district) / Un mormânt de incineraţie al unui călăreţ războinic descoperit lângă satul Mana (Orhei)
In 2011 the National Museum of History of Moldova came into possession of a lot of important archaeological pieces. The composition of the set of artifacts were - bronze situla, ceramic tureen-lid; iron sword and sheath; iron spearhead; iron shield umbo, circular in plan and pyramidal in section; double spiral iron bracelet with cufflinks terminations, an iron ring with side button to which was added an iron clamp – made us assume that they are part of the inventory of a cremation grave of a horseman warrior. Anthropological study of cremated bones made it clear that the tomb belonged to a young man of about 14-16 years.