Athenea Digital (Mar 2010)

En torno a las fórmulas alternativas de religiosidad. La re-elaboración de nuevas modalidades de vínculo comunitatio About the formulas of alternative religiousness. The reelaboration of new modalities of communitarian bond

  • Angel Enrique Carretero Pasin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 17
pp. 119 – 136


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<p class="MsoBodyTextFirstIndent2" style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 0cm; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;"><span style="font-size: small;">El art&iacute;culo pretende interpretar el auge cobrado por las nuevas expresiones de religiosidad en las sociedades occidentales contempor&aacute;neas. Parte, a modo de presupuesto, de la capacidad antropol&oacute;gica atesorada en la religi&oacute;n para propiciar un sentimiento de integraci&oacute;n comunitaria. Analiza el proceso de descomposici&oacute;n de la fuerza vinculante de la religi&oacute;n como resultado de la aparici&oacute;n de la modernidad, as&iacute; como el surgimiento de la nueva modalidad de v&iacute;nculo social por &eacute;sta provocado. Profundiza, finalmente, en la idiosincrasia de las nuevas formas de religiosidad contempor&aacute;nea, proponiendo que la aut&eacute;ntica comprensi&oacute;n de su naturaleza exigir&iacute;a contemplarlas como reacciones al tipo de v&iacute;nculo social institucionalizado por la modernidad.</span></span></p> <p align="justify">The article tries to interpret the height acquired by the new expressions of religiousness in the contemporary western societies. It starts off, as a budget, of the anthropological capacity hoarded in the religion to cause a feeling of communitarian integration. It analyzes the process of decomposition of the binding force of the religion as a result of the appearance of modernity, as well as the sprouting of the new modality of social bond by this one caused. It article deepens, finally, in the idiosyncrasy of the new forms of contemporary religiousness, proposing that the authentic understanding of its nature would demand to contemplate them like reactions to the type of institutionalized social bond by modernity.</p>
