RAC: Revista de Administração Contemporânea (Jan 2012)
Decisões de Investimento em Ativos de Longo Prazo nas Empresas Brasileiras: Qual a Aderência ao Modelo Teórico?
This study sought to determine how large Brazilian organizations treat long-term investments. The theoreticalconstruct took into account literature from the fields of strategy and finance, both of which offer hypotheses thatuse methods and mechanisms in order to evaluate investments. Using an online questionnaire, a survey including82 companies was developed. Utilizing structural equation modeling, partial adherence to the theoretical modelwas found. It was found that the mechanisms of investment analysis are positively associated with concern aboutthe perceived risk analysis. In addition, it was discovered that projects approved through strategic planning haverelatively more structured monitoring; and also that a greater need for defining funding and opportunity costs ispositively associated with a project’s inclusion in strategic planning.