Jurnal Delima Harapan (Mar 2018)

Hubungan Nyeri Haid (Dismenore) dengan Aktivitas Belajar Sehari-Hari Pada Remaja Putri Kelas VII Di SMPN 3 Pulung.

  • sinta ayu setiawan,
  • linda lestari

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 1
pp. 24 – 31


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Dysmenorrhea can affect more than half of women who have menstruation, and the reported prevalence varies considerably. The result of preliminary study at SMPN 3 Pulung, Pulung Subdistrict, Ponorogo Regency, found that girls of class VII with a total of 53 students obtained data that 46 students had experienced menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) and 7 female students have not experienced menstruation. There are two primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea, the factors affecting primary dysmenorrhea are <12 years. Never have a child, long period, smoking, obesity, and secondary dysmenorrhea Endometriosis, adenomyosis, IUD, Ovarian cyst. So that students who experience dysmenorrhea sometimes have to ask permission to not follow the learning activities because they can not stand the dysmenorrhea they experience. The purpose of this study was to find out the Relation of Menstrual Pain (Dysmenorrhea) with Young Women Learning Activity.This research was conducted at SMPN 3 Pulung Pulung Subdistrict Ponorogo Regency on February 9, 2017 type of research used is analitik. In this study the population of all VII class students of teenage girls who experienced menstruation that was present during the study of 46 female students, the method used this sampling technique Accidental Sampling, the number of samples is 46 students In this study the variables are Dysmenorrhea and Learning Activity. And analyzed by Spearman Rank statistical test. Based on the research results obtained the highest level of pain is severe pain with a total of 37 female students (80,4%), it is known that the study activity criteria is disrupted with a total of 40 female students (87%) respondents. Based on the calculation of Spearman Rank statistical P=0.000 is less than 0.05 (P˂0.05) which means that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted, it can be concluded that there is a relationship of pain Menstruation (dysmenorrhea) to the daily learning activity in the second grade girls in SMPN 3 Pulung with the level of corelation of 0.602 which means the strong level of closeness. It is advisable for young women to apply healthy lifestyles in order to reduce the occurrence of dysmenorrhea and learning activities will not be disturbed.
