Jurnal Keperawatan (Mar 2015)
MODEL EDUKASI POSTNATAL MELALUI PENDEKATAN FAMILY CENTERED MATERNITY CARE (FCMC) Postnatal Education Model Through Family Centered Maternity Care (FCMC) Asmuji(1) & Diyan Indriyani(2) (1,2) Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah JemberJl. Karimata 49 Jember,E-mail : 1)[email protected]; [email protected] ABSTRAK Periode post partum ialah masa enam minggu sejak bayi lahir sampai organ-organ reproduksi kembali ke keadaan normal sebelum hamil. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini ada 2 tahapan yaitu: (1) pendekatan partisipatif, (2) Participatory Action Research (PRA). Penentuan sampel dengan tehnik purposive sampling. Jumlah sampel 50 orang di RSD Dr. Soebandi Jember dan 50 sampel ibu postpartum dan keluarga di Wilayah Kecamatan Kaliwates, jumlah total 100 responden. Pengolahan data dianalisis secara kualitatif. Pelaksanaan edukasi postnatal bagi ibu nifas dengan pendekatan FCMC sesuai persepsi yang muncul dari ibu post partum, tetapi hal ini belum dilaksanakan dengan memperhatikan kebutuhan informasi sesuai tahapan dari masa nifas. Edukasi postnatal ini menjadi alternative pilihan yang tepat bagi petugas kesehatan untuk menyiapkan ibu nifas dalam beradaptasi menjalankan tugas-tugas perkembangan yang akan dijalaninya. Kata Kunci: Model Edukasi Postnatal, FCMC (Family Centered Maternity Care) ABSTRACT Post partum period is a period of six weeks after the baby is born until the reproductive organs return to normal pre-pregnancy state. There are two methods used in this study split into two stages, namely: (1) Participatory Approach, (2) Participatory Action Research (PRA). The samples used is purposive sampling technique. The number of samples taken 50 people in RSD Dr. Soebandi Jember and 50 samples of postpartum mothers and families in Kaliwates District, the total of 100 respondents in all. Processing of the data is analyzed qualitatively. Implementation of postnatal education model through family centered maternity care come from perception of maternal postpartum, but this has not been done by looking at the information according to the stages of the puerperium. Postnatal education model is an alternative option which is appropriate for health workers to prepare puerperal women in adapting to run the development tasks to be through. Keywords: Postnatal Education Model, FCMC (Family Centered Maternity Care)