Интеллект. Инновации. Инвестиции (Jul 2019)
Models of the theory and methodology of integration-balancing management of intellectual labor and capital resources under the singularity conditions of technologies: conceptual bases of research
The urgency of improving the management of the resources of intellectual labor and capital is justified by the appearance of abrupt and singular changes in technical and technological factors of the external environment. In a post-industrial economy, this necessitates the integration of the resources of its facilities for various purposes in order to move to a high-tech level of development. At the same time, at its separate stages there is an imbalance between the goals of efficiency and the innovativeness of the results of the development of objects. The contradiction between the challenges of the environment and the imperfection of the theoretical and methodological foundations of resource compromise management exacerbates the problems of the stability of the goal compromise in the complex of such objects. This determined the purpose of the study to develop models of the theory and methodology of integration-balancing resource management. To achieve it, we used the tools of the theory of resource management, methods for analyzing and regulating the parameters of efficiency, and organizing the structures of integration of the complex objects. The results have been obtained that have scientific and practical value: new theoretical models of the spatial and temporal integration of the diversified resources of the facilities of the complex and organizational and cognitive regulation of the space of innovative competences of personnel in the context of singular and discontinuous processes have been formed; the author's approaches to the integration of resources and the balance of opposing goals are combined in the new methodology of integration-balancing resource management; adapted mathematical tools for the transformation of multidimensional space based on the approximation of generalized functions, interpreting the functions of managing the integration of resources; the analytical model of conditional expansion of space and time of resource integration is substantiated; New properties and dependencies of the dynamics of processes that meet the optimality criterion for the number of approximations of generalized functions are revealed. It is recommended to continue research in the areas of mathematical and methodological substantiation of managerial decision-making in the formed Center for Development Management of the complex.