Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України (May 2018)

Water regulating role of the forest cover of the Gorgany watersheds

  • Vasyl Oliinyk ,
  • Andrii Rak

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16
pp. 17 – 23


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In the complex of the multifunctional value of the Carpathian forests the prominent place belongs to their waternregulating properties. The drainage controlling role of the forest, in particular its high-altitude changes, is relatively well studied in the scientific literature. However, for some orographic parts of the region, these issues remain less investigated. In particular, this concerns the mountain landscape of Gorgany, which is the most complex in the Carpathians in the natural sense with intense harmful spontaneous phenomena. The quantitative assessment of the catchment areas forest cover influence on the main indicators of the water regime, especially the total evaporation of moisture and maximum flood drain of the rivers are rather topical issue. The research objects were provided by all the 10 Gorgany watersheds, in which in the second half of the 20th century the hydrological observations were comprehensively conducted. They cover the highland range of the Gorgany from the foot of the mountains (500 m) to the highest hypsometric levels (> 1800 m) and represent the variety of the forest vegetation of the studied region. Their area ranges from 10 to 597 km ², the average height - within 510-1200 mask and forest cover from 56 to 87%. Literature data on the parameters of moisture evaporation in the forest and on the field during vegetation periods at different altitudinal levels of the mountain system were also included in the analysis. The studies have shown that increasing the high-rise location of the water-sheds contributes to the change in the natural factors of water regime formation and their components. From the foot of the mountain range to the upper limit of the forest (1500 m), precipitation rises from 910 to 1610 mm, and the forest increases from 52 to 100%. The increase of atmospheric humidification with elevation of the terrain contributes to the growth of wateriness of the rivers and their components – the sloping and underground kinds of their nutrition. At the same time, the fall of heat resources with an increase in the height of the mountain slopes causes a decrease in the total evaporation of moisture. During the year forest, in comparison with field lands, increases the evaporation of moisture by 280 mm, and during vegetation periods by 150 mm. Low-altitude beech and fir forests are characterized by the lowest precipitation and drainage of water and the greatest evaporation of moisture. In the stripe of beech-fir-spruce precipitation and runoff increase and evaporation decreases. These processes are most evident in the mid-range mountain spruce forests. Such reaserch results indicate the expediency of reducing forest use with increasing slopes elevation. Forest tangibly regulates the harmful floods in the economic and ecological aspects. It is potentially able to reduce the maximum flood levels by 141 liters from-km2 (by roughly 20%) compared to the field and increase the duration of this type of water drainage in 1.8-2.1 times. The highest significance of the flood control role of the forest is expressed in small watersheds of up to 100 km². They can serve as the main objects of forestry optimization and the use of environmentally sound forest management. In connection with the intensification of the sloping drainage of water as the elevation of the area increases, in this direction implementation of environmental restrictions of forest use should also be intensified.
