Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (Jan 2014)
Possibilities of Evaluation of the Recreational Potential of Close to Nature Watercourses
Creation of close-to-nature river beds is one of the results of watercourses revitalization. Watercourses are segments in the country increasing its recreational potential.The recreational potential of watercourses contributes to rich diversity of animal and plant species. They are well-preserved natural environment with a different atmosphere and an interesting psychological effect. The current goal of revitalization measures in the landscape primarily consists of the optimization of landscape water regime, incl. flood control measures and the promotion of biodiversity, but the current philosophy speaks of multifunctional land usage. However, the revitalization is currently underappreciated in the Czech Republic and it is important to increase the recreational potential of the landscape. The subject of this article is evaluation of close to nature watercources from the point of view of recreation potential. The example locality of close to nature watercourse is part of Váh river near Iľava city. In this area some elements of recreational potential by the proposed methodology are discussed. Two river courses make a possible comparison between a technical canal and a modified one, but close-to-nature water course with all parameters of river phenomenon. Properties of nature and close-to-nature watercourses could be an inspiration for repairing(modifying, adjusting) river stretches within urban space.