RNA virus polymerases carry out multiple functions necessary for successful genome replication and transcription. A key tool for molecular studies of viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRps) is a ‘minigenome’ or ‘minireplicon’ assay, in which viral RdRps are reconstituted in cells in the absence of full virus infection. Typically, plasmids expressing the viral polymerase protein(s) and other co-factors are co-transfected, along with a plasmid expressing an RNA encoding a fluorescent or luminescent reporter gene flanked by viral untranslated regions containing cis-acting elements required for viral RdRp recognition. This reconstitutes the viral transcription/replication machinery and allows the viral RdRp activity to be measured as a correlate of the reporter protein signal. Here, we report on the development of a ‘first-generation’ plasmid-based minigenome assay for species A rotavirus using a firefly luciferase reporter gene.