Brazilian Journal of Biology ()
Fluctuations of the population of Daphnia laevis Birge 1878: a six-year study in a tropical lake
The fluctuation of the population of Daphnia laevis in Lake Jacaré (Middle River Doce, Minas Gerais) was monitored monthly (at one point in the limnetic region) for six years (2002-2007) as part of the Program of Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER/UFMG). The following parameters were also monitored: water temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a, total phosphorus, phosphate, total nitrogen, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and densities of Chaoborus and ephippia of Daphnia laevis in the sediment. A seasonal pattern was observed in the fluctuation of D. laevis, with higher densities recorded during periods of circulation (May-August). A significant correlation was found between the density of D. laevis and temperature (r = -0.47, p = 0.0001), chlorophyll-a (r = -0.32, p = 0.016) and indicators of the lake's trophic status (total phosphorus, r = 0.32, p = 0.007 and trophic state, r = 0.36, p = 0.003), as well as Chaoborus density (r = 0.43 and p = 0.002). These results indicate that changes in the physical and chemical characteristics of the water related with stratification and circulation of the lake may have a direct (temperature, total phosphorous) or an indirect (food availability, presence of predators, ephippia eclosion) influence on the fluctuation of the D. laevis population.