Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal (Dec 2018)
Objective: To determine the causes of arterial ischemic stroke and neuroimaging findings in children. Study Design: An observational, prospective, cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Paediatirc Neurology, Children’s Hospital & Institute of Child Health, Lahore for a period of six months from Nov 2014 to Apr 2015. Material and Methods: Children from 1 month to 18 years of age with radiologically confirmed arterial ischemic stroke, occurring 1st time in life, were included in the study. Arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) was confirmed on the basis of history, examination and neuroimaging findings of the brain. Further investigations were done according to the cause of arterial ischemic stroke and neuroimaging brain findings. Results: A total of 72 patients of arterial ischemic stroke were identified over a period of 6 months. Among these, male predominance was found in 53 (73%) children. Outpatient department patients outnumbered the indoor patients with stroke in 38 (53%) children. Children between 1-5 years of age were the most affected ones (65%). Hemiplagia, fits, hemiparesis and aphasia were the most common presenting features affecting 60 (83%), 27 (38%), 14 (19%) and 8 (11%) children respectively. The commonest cause of arterial ischemic stroke was iron deficiency anemia, found in 30% (n=22) of the children followed by anemia due to other causes in 27% (n=20) and congenital heart diseases in 8.3% (n=6) of the children. On neuroimaging studies, parietal lobe was the most affected part of the brain in 23% of the children (n=16). Middle ...........