Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series (Jan 2016)
Aspects of Legal Translation in Contracts of Carriage
This article analyzes several aspects of the maritime law vocabulary, in order to overcome theproblem of maritime inaccuracies in translation and to contribute to the better understanding andtranslation of texts and legislations within this field. The first section of this article deals withseveral key terms and issues in the field of legal translation and maritime language and highlightsthe fact that maritime language represents a functional variety of register. The second sectionpresents the corpus analyzed within this paper in order to reveal the language variation in the twolanguages (i.e. Romanian and English) and to assess their lexical density. The third section isfocused on corpus analysis, highlighting the language variation in the English and Romaniantranslation of the chosen texts from the field of contracts of carriage in maritime law.