Análise, desenvolvimento, implementação e avaliação de um Objeto de Aprendizagem de Línguas
This paper intends to present the production and usage project of a Language Learning Object (LLO), a digital resource with educational purposes guided by the communicative English teaching. This LLO was specifically created for Spanish as Foreign Language (S/FL) teaching, elaborated for an extension course of the Research and Language Teaching Laboratory of Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). This study is justified by the necessity of expanding and popularizing the LLOs, recently theoretically conceived in academic ambit. The research was schematized, planned and accomplished guided by the resourceful cycle of didactic materials production for language teaching, that contains minimally four steps: (1) analysis, (2) developing, (3) implementation and (4) evaluation. The LLO was destined to a group of students of the Basic Spanish 1 course, of the Línguas no Campus (LinC) project. After the LOO planning, named “Mi exterior e interior”, and it´s usage in one of the abovementioned S/FL course, it was evaluated, through questionnaires and interviews, that resulted in reformulation and improvements in the material at issue.