Health SA Gesondheid: Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences (Nov 2010)

A model for higher education campus health services

  • Esmeralda (Essie) J. Ricks,
  • Johanita Strümpher,
  • Dalena van Rooyen

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15, no. 1
pp. e1 – e7


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This study was undertaken in order to develop a holistic healthcare model that would assist registered nurses who are employed at a higher education campus’ health service to render a healthcare service relevant to the healthcare needs of the campus healthcare consumers. A theory-generative, qualitative, explorative,descriptive and contextual research design for theory generation was used to develop a holistic healthcare model for a higher education campus’ health service. It became evident throughout the study that the participants experienced a need for a more comprehensive healthcare service on campus. The main concepts of holistic healthcare were identified from the information obtained from the in-depth, focus group interviews that were conducted with the participants. The process of theoretical model generation was conducted according to the steps of theory generation as proposed by Walker and Avant (1995:39), namely that of concept analysis,the placing of concepts in relationships, a description of the model and guidelines to operationalise the model. This model provides a structured holistic healthcare frame of reference for registered nurses employed in a campus health service at a Higher Education Institution (HEI) and could be used to assist all campus healthcare consumers to become balanced whole persons who are able to realise their dreams and maintain consistency with regard to optimal health and capacity. Opsomming Hierdie studie is onderneem om teneinde ‘n holistiese gesondheidsorgmodel te ontwikkel wat geregistreerde verpleegkundiges, werksaam by ‘n hoër onderwys kampusgesondheidsorgdiens,kan help om ‘n gesondheidsorgdiens te kan lewer wat relevant is tot die gesondheidsbehoeftes vandie kampusgesondheidsorg verbruikers. ‘n Teorie-generende, kwalitatiewe,eksplorerende, beskrywende en kontekstuele navorsingsontwerp vir teorie genering is gebruik om ‘n holistiese gesondheidsorgmodel vir hoër onderwys kampusgesondheidsorgdienste te ontwikkel. Tydens die studie het dit duidelik geword dat die deelnemers ‘n behoefte het daaraan om ‘n meer omvattende gesondheidsorgdiens op kampus te ervaar. Die hoof konsepte van holistiese gesondheidsorg was geïdentifiseer vanuit die data wat verkry was deur die in-diepte fokusgroep onderhoude wat met die deelnemers gevoer is. Die proses van model-generering is uitgevoer volgens die stappe soos voorgestel deur Walker en Avant(1995:30) naamlik dit van konsep-analise, die plasing van konsepte in verhoudings, die beskrywing van die model en die riglyne om die model operatief te maak. Die model maak voorsiening vir ‘n gestruktureerde holistiese gesondheidsorgraamwerk wat as verwysing kan dien vir geregistreerde verpleegkundiges werksaam by ‘n kampus gesondheidsorgdiens by ‘n Hoër Onderwys Instansie(HOI) en kan gebruik word om alle kampus gesondheidsorgverbruikers te help om gebalanseerde, heel persone te word wat in staat is om hul drome te vervul en konsekwentheid met betrekking tot optimale gesondheid en kapasiteit te handhaaf.
