Case Reports in Dentistry (Jan 2024)
Regenerative Surgical Management of an Endodontic Periodontic Lesion of the Mandibular Molar Combined With External Inflammation Root Resorption
Endo–perio lesions are lesions involving pulp tissue with periodontal tissue. The bacterial infection of the pulp can spread to the furcation area through the accessory canal, causing damage to the furcation area. Regeneration therapy has good success when performed with flap surgery and is performed in cases of Grades I and II furcation involvement. Demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA) is a regenerating material that has osteoinductive and osteoconductive abilities. It has the advantage of successful treatment of bone defects. Biodentine is an agent used for direct pulp capping, root perforation and furcation repair, and apexification. It can bind and enter the dentinal tubules and create interlocking crystals with dentin. This case report presents the treatment of furcation involvement Grade II originating from endo–perio lesions by using DFDBA and Biodentine as regeneration materials with 6 months of follow-up.