Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika (Oct 2021)
Development of a Science Module on Temperature and Heat Topics to Improve Critical Thinking and Collaboration Skills
This study aims to produce a science module based on mobile-collaborative-based science learning (m-CBSL) with the topic of temperature and heat and describe the resulting module's validity and practicality. The research design was Educational Design Research (EDR). The data collection techniques used were literature study, walkthrough, interview, and questionnaire. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire of validity and practicality. Data analysis techniques include descriptive data analysis, validation sheets, and questionnaires. Module validation sheets were given to 5 validators. In contrast, practicality sheets were given to 9 students of class VII SMP Negeri 12 Banjarmasin (small group) and 62 students and three science teachers at SMP Negeri 6 & 12 Banjarmasin field test. The validity questionnaire analysis results concluded that the validity of the module was 3.71 "very valid" categories. The practicality level based on the teacher's questionnaire scored 87.04 in the "very practical" category. The small group questionnaire scored 85.19 in the "very practical" category, and the field trial questionnaire scored 86.42 in the "very practical" category. It means that the m-CBSL based science module is valid and practical in the learning process to improve critical thinking skills and collaboration.