Литьë и металлургия (Apr 2019)
The influence of nitrogen content on the amount of austenite in the structure of the deposited coatings obtained from diffusionsgleichung shavings of steel Р6M5
The article presents the results on the structure formation of deposited coatings obtained from steel chips P6M5 subjected to diffusion nitrogen-carbon doping. It was found that the diffusion doping with nitrogen-carbon steel chip waste P6M5 carbon content in them varies between 1.75–3.14%, nitrogen – 0.43–1.24%. The phase composition includes phases: a-Fe, M6C, Fe3C, (Cr, Fe)2N1–x, Fe3N, Cr0.63C0.35N0.03, M4(C, N) depending on the temperature and time of diffusion doping. When surfacing these materials in the deposited coating contains carbide-forming elements 8,6–9,3%, carbon 1,04–1,94%, nitrogen 0,08–0,25%. The structure consists of carbide M23S6, martensite and austenite, while the content of austenite in dendrites can reach 70–90%. It is shown that nitrogen doping of the deposited coatings obtained from steel chips P6M5, subjected to saturation with nitrogen-carbon, more effectively increases the amount of austenite in the structure than alloying the deposited coatings with nitrogen ferroalloys.