Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology (Jan 2014)
Postpartum Ovarian Vein Thrombosis: Incidental Diagnosis at Surgery
Ovarian vein thrombosis is a rare clinical entity that may present in the puerperium. We report the clinical outcomes of two cases of postpartum ovarian vein thrombosis, incidentally diagnosed at laparotomy in 16-year-old and 23-year-old females. They had preoperative diagnosis of torsion tuboovarian mass and twisted pedunculated uterine fibroid, respectively. Both patients had transection and ligation of right thrombosed ovarian vein. Postoperative management included a week course of anticoagulant, antibiotics and analgesia. Postpartum ovarian vein thrombosis is a diagnosis of exclusion in the puerperium and a high index of suspicion will reduce associated morbidity and mortality.