Современные информационные технологии и IT-образование (Sep 2019)
Adaptive Video-conference Communication Platform Based on WebRTC Online Education
Modern video communications are switching to browser WebRTC technology. This gives rise to new problems and new solutions in the field of switching video streams, their maintenance and conversion. Video communication became possible without the use of any external means on most smartphones via cellular networks. But the performance of such communication channels does not always satisfy the requirements of video display and quality of QoE perception. Almost all modern video conferencing systems provide functionality for servicing, converting, recording multiple video streams. The work of video communications in education, with the remote learning method via the Internet, has its own characteristics. Unlike webinars, conference calls, and multipoint conferences, one-to-one direct two-way communication is required to quickly respond to students' reactions; integration of authorization, user information, chat, data transfer, and group creation automation with one or another Learning Management e-learning platform is required System, e.g. Moodle or Canvas. The inability of the presenters to directly control the quality of the channel’s work for listeners requires constant monitoring and feedback on the quality of the video, problems it. The number of listeners can be large, which makes it difficult to answer real-time questions. Switching the speaker’s focus to one of the listeners, broadcasting it to the other participants, creating various configurations of the video wall in real time — all these tasks are solved by separate tools and algorithms. The created platform allows for training via video conferencing and is integrated into the Moodle system. The aim of this work is to study part of the platform for working with video streams and the operation of similar systems based on the open Janus video stream switching server.