Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie (Jan 2017)

Bierzmowanie osób niepełnosprawnych intelektualnie

  • Dariusz Kurzydło

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 24


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The Church was called by Jesus Christ to be a community of love for every human being. That community draws love from life of Jesus Christ: He actualizes His presence when people try to love others. In that context the author of publication tries to focus on rights of mentally disabled people: they need the sacramental gifts as well as every Christian. And the sacrament of confirmation is also deeply important. This is the last of sacraments of initiation. For the mentally (even in deepest degree) disabled people that fact means an experience of love in others and community. The author claims that such people are very special gift for the community which is responsible for the fragile aspect of human life.
