Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Slavica Wratislaviensia (Dec 2023)
Lexico-grammatical, syntactic and compositional features of popular science texts by Taras Luty
The article touches upon the issue of the functioning printed and digital scientific information in modern Ukrainian mass media. The genre of essay as a popular form of dissemination of scientific information is considered. Due to this research we also join the discussion about the need to reform the scientific and functional variety of the modern Ukrainian literary language. The purpose of the article is to study the lexical, grammatical, syntactic and compositional specifics and linguistic creativity of popular science texts on the example of Taras Luty’s philosophical essays published in the weekly Ukrainian Week. Various research methods are employed in the study: the method of linguistic description and observation, the descriptive method, which provides the inventory of selected units, their segmentation, classification and interpretation, as well as the functional-stylistic method. Conclusions are made on the basis of the analysis of 111 texts.