Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион: Медицинские науки (Mar 2021)
Studying the effect of complex therapy with the application of antigypoxants on some indicators of electrolytic blood composition in borderline dissociative disorders
Background. The development of new approaches to the therapy of dissociative disorders, taking into account the pathogenetic mechanisms in their formation, is an urgent task of psychopharmacology. The purpose of this work is to study the effect of complex therapy with the use of antihypoxants on the dynamics of blood gas parameters in various forms of borderline hysterical disorders in comparison with psychopharmacological treatment. Materials and methods. The study involved 118 patients with borderline hysterical disorders in the framework of hysterical neurosis, hysterical personality development, and hysterical psychopathy in the decompensation stage, randomized into two groups depending on therapy. In one group, patients received treatment with psychopharmacological drugs, in the other, complex therapy using hyperbaric oxygenation, an antioxidant. On the 1st, 10th and 20th days of the study, the parameters of blood acid-base balance were determined in all patients: pH, pCO2, pO2, HCO3. Results. On admission to inpatient treatment at the Mordovian Republican Clinical Psychiatric Hospital Municipal Budgetary Health Institution, patients suffering from various forms of dissociative hysterical disorders, unidirectional, but different degrees of severity, changes in the blood gas composition in the form of a decrease in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide and oxygen, an increase in pH blood. By the 10th day of traditional psychopharmacotherapy in all groups of hysterical disorders, an increase in the partial tension of CO2 and a decrease in the blood pH level were recorded, the imbalance of plasma concentrations of which, like hypoxemia, persisted on the 20th day of treatment. The use of antihypoxants in the complex treatment of hysterical disorders also led to an increase in the partial tension of pCO2 and a decrease in blood pH on the 10th day of the study; however, by the 20th day of treatment, these parameters were restored to the level of healthy donors, including the level of partial oxygen tension. Conclusions. The positive dynamics of the indicators of the acid-base state (CBS) of blood plasma when using complex therapy with hyperbaric oxygenation and mexidol indicates the involvement of oxygen-dependent mechanisms in the pathogenesis of dissociative disorders, which allows recommending antihypoxants in the treatment of borderline hysterical disorders in order to stop the hypoxic factor.