Слово.ру: балтийский акцент (Aug 2021)
Functions of syntactic structures in the context of jakobson’s model of communication
The article discusses the role of the syntactic level of the organisation of a poetic text in the formation of a model of literary communication. The research aims to identify the role of syntactic structures in the construction of lyric discourse and to explore the poetic function of grammar units in the text. The author employs the principles and techniques of linguopoetic analysis and the methodology of constructing a communicative act, which was developed in the works of Vinogradov, Shcherba, Jakobson and Lotman and others. Special attention is paid to the functional potential of syntactic forms in relation to lyrics. The concept of artistic communication has been clarified. In this study, it is understood as an interaction between the writer and the reader in the process of interpreting a poetic work. The poetic function of syntactic means is analysed on the example of Yevgeny Boratynsky’s poem "Autumn", which plays a special role in his creative heritage. Along with the poetic function, the emotive, phatic, conative, referential and metacommunicative functions of syntactic constructions are revealed. The author demonstrates the breadth of the functional spectrum of syntactic units in poetic discourse. The semantics of sentences is an integral part of the semantic structure of a poetic text. Poetic syntax, closely related to the melody, metrics and composition of the poetic text, plays a key role in creating rhythm. In Yevgeny Boratynsky's poem, the ‘twilight’ syntax with its particular complexity of organisation contributes to the archaization of the style of the philosophical elegy and brings it closer to the traditions of preaching, psalm, and spiritual ode.