Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Гжицького. Серія: Сільськогосподарські науки (Sep 2023)

The effect of technological stress on the biochemical parameters of the blood of ewes

  • N. M. Hordiichuk,
  • L. M. Hordiichuk,
  • I. Yu. Salamakha

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 25, no. 99
pp. 190 – 194


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In the course of the research, the effect of technological stress on the biochemical parameters of the blood of Ukrainian Mountain Carpathian sheep was studied before shearing and after it on the first and fifth day. Zootechnical, clinical-biochemical, biometric research methods were used. The research results showed that after shearing, stress in sheep of the first and second groups was clinically manifested by general depression, accelerated heartbeat and breathing. Such differences in the frequency of heart contractions and the number of respiratory movements in ewes can be explained by increased excitability of the nervous system due to shearing. The number of erythrocytes and leukocytes in the blood of sheep of both experimental groups before and after shearing was normal and did not go beyond physiological fluctuations. A slight decrease in blood parameters was detected in ewes of the first and second groups one and five days after the hygienic procedure. No significant difference in the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes was found between the experimental groups. Under the influence of stress factors, the content of total protein in blood serum decreased in ewes, especially one day after shearing in the experimental groups. After exposure to stressors, a decrease in urea content was detected in all experimental animals after one day and on the fifth day, which is due to the fact that under the influence of stress in the body, the breakdown of proteins and, accordingly, the level of the end products of protein metabolism decreases. As a result of shearing after a day, the cholesterol content in the blood of experimental sheep of the first and second groups probably decreased, with a slight tendency to increase after the fifth day. After exposure to stressors, the total lipid content of ewes of the first and second groups probably decreased on the first day, and a significant increase was observed on the fifth day. When the body is under stress, energy is wasted. He receives part of it at the expense of fats, which is why the content of total lipids in the blood of experimental animals decreases a day after a haircut. After shearing, the blood glucose content of all ewes increased, especially with a high probability in experimental animals after the first day, which is a consequence of the breakdown of increased glycogen. This indicates that these sheep had a stronger state of stress. After the fifth day, in the experimental ewes of the first and second groups after shearing, all the investigated indicators probably did not differ from those obtained before their shearing.
