Антибиотики и Химиотерапия (May 2020)
Monitoring of Side Effects and Estimation of Cycloferon Efficacy in Treatment of Children with Frequent and Prolonged Diseases
Two hundred fifty patients, including 100 children with frequent and prolonged diseases at the age of 4 to 7 years, 76 children at the age of 7 to 18 years and 74 subjects at the age of 22 to 57 years were observed. The patients were treated with cycloferon in two courses with a 2-week interval according to the standard scheme. The tonsil surface microflora and its susceptibility to antibiotics were determined. Cycloferon lowered the Staphylococcus aureus titre and increased the culture susceptibility to benzylpenicillin, oxacillin, rifampicin, and erythromycin, reducing the variety of the fauces nonpathogenic microflora. The use of cycloferon induced no adverse (pathologic) reactions in 94.8% of the cases. In 4.4% of the children under school age the adverse reactions were transitory and did not require discontinuation of the drug use. Unforeseen reactions were recorded in 0.8% of the children and the use of the drug in them was discontinued. The use of cycloferon in two courses with a 2-week interval according to the standard scheme is recommended for prophylaxis of acute respiratory diseases in the group of children with frequent and prolonged diseases during epidemiologically unfavourable periods and for complex therapy of rhinopharinx infections as an agent increasing efficacy of other antibacterials.