رشد و یادگیری حرکتی ورزشی (Apr 2015)
A Comparison of the Effect of Self-Controlled Feedback Frequency and Examiner Controlled Frequency on Acquisition and Learning of Throwing Skill in Children
This study aimed at comparing the effect of self-controlled feedback with 100% frequency on motor skill learning in children. 60 children (11.1±0.86 yr) were selected randomly and based on their pretest results divided into same three groups of 100% feedback, self-controlled and yoked. In the acquisition phase, subjects completed 120 trials. At the end of the second day, subjects performed a 10-trial block as the acquisition test. After 48 hours, retention test was conducted like the acquisition test. MANOVA with repeated measures on the intra-group factor (trial blocks) was recruited in the acquisition phase and one-way ANOVA and LSD post hoc test was used for the retention phase. The results of the acquisition phase showed the significant effect of blocks (P<0.05). The findings of the retention phase showed that 100% feedback and self-controlled feedback groups had better results than the yoked group (P<0.05). Also, in two self-controlled subgroups, the group which received feedback above 50% had better performance. The pattern of these results supported former findings about the effectiveness of feedback in motor learning. In addition, it showed that frequency of feedback had to be high in children during self-controlled feedback.