MedEdPORTAL (May 2007)
The ETHNICS Mnemonic: Clinical Tool, Didactics, and Small-Group Facilitator's Guide
Abstract Introduction The need to define and assess optimal strategies for influencing attitudes and facilitating skills development in providing culturally appropriate care is a critical challenge to academic medicine. To address this we created and tested the ETHNICS (Explanation, Treatment, Healers, Negotiate, Intervention, Collaboration, and Spirituality) mnemonic. Methods This is a didactic session and series of handouts on the ETHNICS mnemonic pioneered by the authors. The active learning component includes a facilitated small-group session with two role-plays that allow learners to explore their own health beliefs and practice utilizing the ETHNICS mnemonic. Results The clinical tool and small group facilitator's guide have been used by 158 first-year medical students. The session was highly rated by all first-year medical students for session planning and organization, meeting stated learning objectives, and facilitation. Discussion The ETHNICS mnemonic provides a framework for cross-cultural interviewing that physicians and other healthcare professionals can use in providing culturally appropriate geriatric care. This resource may be used for teaching cross-cultural interviewing with residents, fellows, and interdisciplinary health care professionals.