Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия: История. Международные отношения (Aug 2023)
The problem of the excess of revolutionary violence in the peasant movement of 1905–1907 (based on the materials of the Saratov Province)
The article examines the phenomenon of revolutionary violence, cultivated and entrenched in the mass peasant consciousness at the beginning of the XX century. The author, relying on archival sources, explores the evolution and features of the excesses of revolutionary violence manifested inthe peasantmovement in 1905–1906 usingthe example ofthe Saratov province. The article concludesthatthe syndrome of violence in the agrarian movement has formed as an archetype of the mass revolutionized consciousness of the peasant masses, manifested in their illegal actions. The excess of revolutionary violence inevitably led to the marginalization of the peasantry, destroying its class values and traditions