Perspectiva (Dec 2018)
Approaches between Wallon´s and Vygotsky´s theories in the field of education: a look on affectivity
Taking as reference the importance of affectivity in teaching and learning processes -, the present work aims to explore, from Wallon´s and Vygotsky´s theories, the possible relations between affectivity and the educational field in scientific literacy. Both, in conceiving the social nature of the human being, consider the relevance of lived interactions in school´s environment as a source of experimentation – and experience – by contributing to the personal, cognitive and emotional development of the students. Besides, by sustaining that education should contemplate cognitive and affective elements as argument, both authors follows the same path that leads to more harmonics and humanised pedagogical relations, with a biggest potential of subjective transformation. Thus, the following lines contextualises the investigations that are been done in the intertwine of education and affectivity, taking as reference Wallon and Vygotsky, highlighting it´s importance to a constant (re)thinking about interventions related to student´s learning and teaching in the perspective of a less excluding and more integral education.