Havacılık ve Uzay Teknolojileri Dergisi (Jan 2024)
Effects of Climate Change on Takeoff Distance and Climb Rate; A Case Study: Boeing 737-800 Max Airplane
The inevitable increase in averageairtemperaturedue to global warming undoubtedly affects the aviation sector as well.The increase in maximum and average air temperatures has a significant effect on the weight and fuel intake for takeoff performance, especially at airports with high altitudes and short runways. Air density is a critical factor in lift generation,and it can impact the aircraft's performance, especially during takeoff in warmer conditions.An augmentation in air temperature and pressure altitude is expected to decreasethetakeoff performance. In this study, the impactsof climatechangeon the takeoff distance and climb rate for 10 airports in Türkiyeare examined. This article examines the takeoff distance and climb rates in different periods during the summer months: past period from 1980 to 2010, the close future from 2023 to 2053, and the distant future from 2069 to 2099. The analysis reveals that as the air temperatureincreases, the takeoff distance increases by 4-7% and the climb rates decrease by 3-5% betweenclose and distant futurein summer.