NERS Jurnal Keperawatan (Mar 2022)

Depresi dan Kesepian Pada Lanjut Usia Saat Pandemi COVID-19

  • Esti Widiani,
  • Nurul Hidayah,
  • Abdul Hanan

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 1
pp. 17 – 25


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The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had a psychological impact on the elderly. The elderly feel lonely and depressed. Spirituality to deal with the pandemic is needed by the elderly. This study aims to determine the relationship between spirituality with depression and loneliness in the elderly. This research was conducted with a cross-sectional approach using a questionnaire on 142 elderly respondents. Based on the Spearman rank correlation test results, there is a unidirectional relationship between spirituality scores and depression scores with a p-value of 0.038 (p <0.05). The correlation coefficient between spirituality scores and depression scores is 0.174, which means that the higher the spirituality score, the higher the depression score with feeble relationship strength. There is a direct relationship between spirituality with a p-value of 0.00 (p <0.05). The correlation coefficient value between spirituality score and loneliness score is 0.306, which means that the higher the spirituality score, the higher the loneliness score with low relationship strength. Spirituality is not the only factor that can improve depression and loneliness in the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Other aspects need to be identified to help overcome depression and loneliness in the elderly.